Thursday, June 11, 2009

Relationship Disaster

So have you guys ever had that one friend that just seems to ALWAYS, no matter what, pick the wrong guy? Well I definately have that friend, and she happens to be my BEST friend.
I just feel as though she picks these "loser" guys only hoping to change them, or for them to change themselves. Just recently she got back with an ex, who when I met him told her that she could go see a movie that she really wanted to see by herself.

They broke up...

But apparently now he has said those few magical words "I want you... blah blah blah" and they are back together. I'm so sad. I just do not like this relationship. I also HATE when people break up and get back together, a bazillion times---seriously after one time, that's it! If it doesn't work out after you break up once, it will NEVER work out. So really this is their final chance to work, and if they break up, they better NOT get back together, because people who do that are only fooling themselves, or doing this for the sex. seriously. Dean and I fight like hell (mostly me, and its ususually around my period time) but seriously, we threaten to break up with each other, but it never happens. I NEVER LET HIM LEAVE. Why?

Because I'm truly one hundred percent in love with this boy. yes.
Thank you.

Thanks for that vent. Feels good. Today I did not purchase anything ---tomorrow hopefully we'll make it to the paint store. Take it of my latest and greatest, favorite drinks is Honest Mate---Agave Mate. It has been on sale at New Leaf for 99 cents, that is a steal. Organic, no fake sugar, and so goood for the body and great flavor!
Yes, I am a health nut.
Healthy food doesn't have to taste bad---people just really need to open their eyes up to all the wonders of vegetarian/vegan, and organic healthy foods-the flavors are unbelievably tasty, and so much better, if you just try them!!!!

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