Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So my boyfriend and I worked things out, which is great!
We argue a lot but we always work things out.
I love him.
Well it s really sad because he had bronchitis right now, and he was really sick earlier in the week.
I NEVER get really sick the way he does. So hopefully that means I will not be getting sick...
cross your fingers that I don't because our spring break is this week as in two days!!! We've already planned our break out. Monday-San Francisco, Tuesday-Boardwalk Wed- he works, Thursday- Aquarium and Friday I have facial!
I'm really excited, I think we're going to have a lot fun.
I hope everything happens, because it will be a great one.

So I totally forgot to update that I got hair extensisons! They're just clip-ins but I didn't feel like spending a lot of money and ruining my hair. These work perfectly, and the price seems like a lot but I got them on sale and you get a ton of hair enough for like three sets of extensions. I only use two weaves, it looks natural and sooo cute!
I'm so happy with it.

So this would be my in's and out list:

* hair extensison- so natural and beautiful looking. I can style them, wash them, cut them and even color them if I wanted!
* Revlon (drugstore makeup) cheap and beautiful made. I love Relvon.
* Youtube I love watching people's makeup videos its cool and I deftinately like getting ideas for hair and makeup so amazing.
* Spring Break

* Expensive department makeup -I just can't afford it...but I would love to get some higher end eyeshadows since those can't break you out or what not
* The Economic Crisis---come on already I'm so over this I want everything to be good
*School- I'm so ready for summer
* Dean (my boyfriend) being sick...

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