Monday, January 12, 2009

Scrub This...

Hey everyone, its Monday, I seriously still have almost a month left of winter break its crazy; but super exciting as well, so I can't complain.
I was just getting ready to head off to the gym, but I decided I would post before I left.
Lately I've just been hooked on facial scrubs and exfoilaters (probably spelt wrong). I've tried a higher end brand, a medium cost one, and a low end cost one as well. What I've found is that I really enjoyed the two lower/medium costs one...well they're probably lower end if I say so. The three scrubs I've tried have been:

Chanel Micro Exfoliater...(something like that) the deep cleansing one.
which was about $48.00
Clean and Clear Morning Burst (the green one) with lemograss
on sale $6.49
and ...

Queen Helene Oatmeal n' Honey Scrub was probably really cheap somewhere in the $3 range

to be honest I think the Chanel one had made me break out when I used it.
But the Oatmeal n' Honey and the Clean and Clear both give me soft and hyrdated skin, when I'm finished. They're both very gentle and don't leave my skin dried and tight. The chanel one did smell good, but so do these two. I think the secret to them is the extra moisture they provide as they exfoilate the skin. If I could say anything, and give anyone any advice or lesson that they keep to heart, it would be to always keep your skin hydrated and moisturized, because I've seen it all...and I will probably blog later about the horrible-ness of over-cleansing and over doing products...
because trust me...

Love you guys!

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